Thursday, September 26, 2019

Nutritional Approach to Depression

If you would like to approach depression treatment from a nutrient base care are some nutrients that when deficient in, will cause an increase in depression.  Making sure you are eating whole foods, rich in these nutrients will begin to pull you out of the depression you may be feeling or at least support your health while you try other methods.

  • Vitamin B1: A deficiency in B1 creates depression, anxiety, nervousness, headaches and even restless legs.  When your adrenals are not optimally running, due to stress, you will be short on B1.  A sluggish liver will also contribute to a B1 deficiency.   Where can you find B1 in the grocery store?  Beef, Pork, Eggs, Seeds, Oats, Legumes and Peas just to name a few.  B1 is also known as Thiamine. 
  • Vitamin B6:  Do you know what B6 does for you?  Just a few things...It supports more than 100 different enzymes involved in metabolism, blood cell creation, amino acid creation and neurotransmitter synthesis.  Amino Acids rely on B6, they can't form in the body without it  and B6 is needed in order to make seratonin.  If you aren't eating your fair share of fresh fruits and vegetables, odds are you are low on B6.  If you enjoy alcohol...that also depletes B6.  Pork, poultry and fish as well as eggs and whole grains, help round out your supply of B6...and your fruits and vegetables. 
  • Vitamin B9:  When you don't get enough B6, your body needs more B9, also known as Folate.  If you are pregnant or lactating, you will also need more B9.  Without enough, you will feel depressed, anxious and tired. 
  • Omega 6 and 3: These two like to be together.  Without the 3, Omega 6 can create a state of inflammation.   These help maintain hormonal balance so if your depression is rooted in hormones, listen up.   It is crucial in supplying the raw material for all of your cells and helps in removing waste products from the cells. 
  • Leucine:  This a nutrient we don't hear much about.  It helps support blood sugar levels, repairs muscle tissue, aids in growth hormone production and wound healing.  Leucine also helps to support us in times of trauma or severe stress!  You will feel symptoms of depression if you are deficient of Leucine.  Where can you get a healthy dose of this?  Your best source is from meats.  All meat.  If you are on a plant based probably can't get enough Leucine. 
These are big players when looking at nutrient deficiencies and their role in depression.  One of the best ways to supplement, especially for the B vitamins is with Unfortified Nutritional Yeast.   Whenever you take supplements instead of whole food, make sure your supplements are food based, not chemical based.  If your body is already struggling, chemicals that mimic the real thing will only work for so long so start with quality, food based nutritional supplements. 

When Depression Strikes

There can be many causes of depression and this is often what makes treating it so difficult at times.  Many people believe it's a simple case of needing more Serotonin but that is a myth.  Oftentimes, the circumstances that ebb and flow in our life can cause periods of high stress, along with depression.  It is these situations that can be resistant, or so it seems, to pharmaceutical interventions because it isn't a chemical's a life imbalance.  There are other times when depression or anxiety are caused by a nutrient deficiency or as a secondary problem to a more serious health condition.

So, first things first.  Come in and see us!  Rule out any health conditions that may be contributing to your poor or declining mental health.  As we discussed previously, the gut is the core of mental and physical health.   Diseases like insulin resistance, diabetes, ulcers, adrenal fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome can rob you of precious nutrients that feed your gut microbiome and even your brain.  It is critical to determine the root cause of depression, not just recognize the symptoms.

If your depression is due to a rough set of life circumstances, focus on supportive health measures.  Each little thing you do for the better, adds up so don't get discouraged at the seemingly slow pace.

Here are our top four favorites for supporting good mental health.

  1. Sleep- Optimal sleep means optimal healing.  Your body resets, recovers and rejuvenates during the 7-9 hours we are getting good quality sleep.  You know you can't be a happy person when you are continually running short on sleep. 
  2. Exercise- I'm not talking about heavy lifting or an hour on the treadmill.  I'm suggesting you just move your any way you can!  Ideally, a simple walk around the block with a heavy dose of fresh air will do wonders for your outlook on life.  I know, it seems too simple.  It's not the fix all but it certainly helps.  Depression can make us feel stuck.  Movement can be the thing that propels us forward from those stuck patterns of thinking. 
  3. Elimination- Clean up your world.  There is something to be said about the weight of clutter and chaos in our life, both physically and mentally.  Often, the condition in which we live, directly correlates to the state of our mind.  Create order in your physical world.  It's a small investment for greater dividends.   Our body and mind thrives in order and routine, so start there.   While you are cleaning house, get rid of bad habits that don't serve your good health like smoking, drinking, drugs, too much know the drill! 
  4. Nutrition- Instead of focusing on all the things you shouldn't have, like junk food, refined carbs, etc. focus on the good food that will feed your body nutrients, rather than calories.   Choosing nutrient dense food will improve not only your gut health but your brain as well.  
At Madison Women's clinic, we want to help you be your best self.  We would love to help you find the right path back to optimal mental and physical health.  There are many approaches in dealing with depression so let us help you find the best way for you.  Give us a call today.