Saturday, August 29, 2020

Make the most of a morning

 Do you tumble out of bed, your hair knotted up and stuck to your face...or do you spring into action, moments before the alarm sounds, in a way that would make any early bird jealous?  

Morning may not be our favorite moment in the day, but when we harness the power of the first light of day, we find that things just work out better than those times in which we stumble about, trying to coax our eyes to open. 

How can we make the most of the morning?  Here are our favorite top ten tips...

  1. The morning actually starts the night before...that's right.  Plan a strong day. Prioritize the things you need to do the following day.  Be realistic in what you can reasonably accomplish.
  2. Wake up before the rest of the family.  Give yourself plenty of time to get yourself ready for the day before you chase around the house, finding lost socks and lunch boxes. 
  3. Even before you get out of bed, stretch your body.  Get the blood moving.
  4. Don't let social media be the first thing you set your eyes on.  Spend a few minutes to meditate, read something inspiring or write a journal entry of gratitude. 
  5. Make your bed.  We've heard this plenty of times but have you tried it?  It really does help to start the day organized and tidied up. 
  6. Practice mindfulness.  It's easy to allow ourselves to feel overwhelmed with the tasks at hand but staying present, especially as we help our kids get ready for school, will keep the start of the day on an even keel of calm. 
  7. Share a healthy breakfast with the family.  Have you heard the old adage...Breakfast like a King, Lunch like a Prince and Dinner like a Pauper?  Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day and more healthy nutrients you can pack in for your morning meal, the better you will feel. 
  8. Get a little exercise.  You don't have to train for a marathon but a simple walk around the block or 10 minutes of yoga is all it takes to set you up right for a successful day. 
  9. Connect with family and friends.  A quick text or email can go a long way.
  10. Start your prioritized list of things to accomplish.  If it helps a wandering mind, set a time limit for each task.  It will help you work more efficiently. 
What are some things you have found to help you get your day started in the best way possible?

So you're going to have a baby

Oh, those first few days upon finding out you are expecting are often filled with a myriad of emotions from excitement to trepidation.   Where do you even start on this journey to motherhood? 

The good news is, you have Madison Women's Clinic!  We've got you covered with every change your body will go through over the next several months.  So, the first thing to do is call our office and schedule your first OB appointment.  Our friendly staff will get you well prepared for this first visit.  You can even visit our website and try out our Due Date Calculator!

As you wait for your first appointment, start taking a mental inventory of your current health status.  Are there changes you need to make in your daily habits?  If you smoke or drink, start by eliminating those habits and any others that may harm your unborn child.  Take a good hard look at your diet and see where you can add in more unprocessed, healthy foods. This is the best time to prioritize your sleep.  Making sure you get ample rest is vitally important for your own health and the health of your child.  Your body is already providing energy and nutrition for not one, but two!  It's common at this stage in your pregnancy to feel extra tired and even nauseated.  

Once you get your first appointment under your belt, you will see that there are a few important dates to mark on your calendar...

  • At 10 weeks, you will have your first ultrasound.  This is done in the office with one of our great Ultrasound technicians. 
  • 12-18 weeks, initial blood work will take place and typically, your first exam with one of our providers.  Of course, this date can vary with each woman and if you have concerns prior to your first exam, make sure you call and speak to one of our nurses to receive individualized care and a treatment plan that works best for you. 
  • 20-22 weeks, another ultrasound.  This is typically when you will find out the gender of your baby. 
  • 26-28 weeks, the dreaded Glucola drink and a Hemoglobin check.  It's really not as bad as it's made out to be.  It takes a little time, so plan on that.  We just want to make sure your blood sugar is stable and you have the healthiest pregnancy you can. 
  • 35 weeks is screening week.  Now is the time to check for Group B Strep.  Group B Strep is a bacteria that can be found in the genital track.  To an unborn baby, it can cause pneumonia or meningitis in newborn babies but not to worry, it's preventable and that is why we screen for it early. 
  • 38 weeks til delivery, we begin vaginal checks and make sure the baby is in a favorable position for delivery. 
Throughout your pregnancy, make sure you are eating foods that are rich in nutrients and supplement with Vitamin D and Folic Acid as these are vital in your baby's developing health.   Make sure you remain active, of course, check with your doctor and discuss any exercises or sports you want to participate in.  The recommended amount of exercise for a pregnant woman is 30 minutes a day for 4 days a week.   Again, visit with your doctor about exercising as each woman has specific needs. 

One thing we know you'll love about Madison Women's Clinic are our nurses!  They are there to answer any questions or concerns you may have between appointments and they are on call 24/7 so you will never be left with a worry of problem that leaves you without help or advice.  We love our patients and we take every measure we can in order to gain your trust and care!  

So, give us a call!  We can't wait to share in the good news of your pregnancy!