Tuesday, May 30, 2017

What mom didn't tell you about birthing plans

The reality is, your mom probably didn’t have a birthing plan but, I wonder what mom would have to say about a birthing plan…

When I was laboring with my half dozen children, back in the day, my plan was to not feel any pain and push a baby out of me.  That was the basic gist of my hospital stay when I went into labor.  By the time the last one came along, my birthing plan evolved into milking it for all it was worth so I could just take a nap.   
Birthing plans are a relatively new thing to evolve over the past few years.  It’s good to be educated and knowledgeable on the birthing plans so you can decide if it’s right for you.  

So, what is a birthing plan?

A birthing plan is a document that allows your medical team to know your wishes when it comes to childbirth; managing pain, taking care of baby while in the hospital, and other important factors.  Your birthing plan should be simple and to the point.  Your medical providers, including nurses are busy people, they don’t have time to read a 6 page document, try to keep it to one page.

How to start writing a birthing plan?

The most important thing to do before starting a birthing plan is to do your homework.  Become familiar with the policies and practices of the hospital where you will be delivering.  Just because you want to room in with your new baby, doesn’t mean you will be allowed to, or vice versa.  Hospitals have rules in place to maintain continuity, order and safety so you must work within their boundaries.
Consider how you want to manage unexpected circumstances.  Perhaps you had planned on a vaginal birth but it becomes evident that you will be having a C-Section at the last minute, how will you manage that.  Creating a birthing plan, especially if it’s your first is something to start drafting well in advance so you have time to consider all the unexpected possibilities.

Some other things to think about:

                Who do you want in the room with you while you labor and deliver?
                Will you be using a Doula?
                How will you manage pain…massage, imagery, breathing techniques, jacuzzi, pain                                       medications, epidural?
                Do you want to be mobile while laboring or stay in bed?
                What position would you like to give birth in?  Make sure this point is well discussed with                           your doctor.
                What are your preferences for baby care?

With each consideration, make sure you discuss your plan with your doctor prior to and well in advance of your due date.  Listen to his/her ideas and incorporate them, even compromise.  Communication is one of the most important tools you have.  Don’t just focus on what you don’t want…remain positive and list the important things you do want.

How to execute the plan…

Take your plan to the hospital when you check in and go over it with your nursing team.  Remember, a birthing plan is an outline, merely a guideline.  You must be flexible since there are very few things you can count on when giving birth.  Anything can happen and rather than get frustrated that things aren’t going as planned, trust in your team to deliver safe and compassionate care.  If nothing else, a birth plan ensures that you have educated yourself on the birthing process and have realistic expectations.  The birth plan can help you maintain your focus.

Whether you choose to have a formal birthing plan or not is up to you.  The most important thing is that you, your partner and your doctor are on the same page with the same expectations.  And, at the end of the day, your baby will arrive in a surrounding of love and caring.

Monday, May 1, 2017

How Invigor-A will help you conquer your world!

Image result for invigor-a testosterone pellet

We hear all the time about how our hormones can drop off the charts as we age.  Most of the conversations regarding hormones, refers to the female hormone Estrogen.  We rarely hear about the drops in Testosterone and how that drop can negatively impact a woman's life...or a man's for that matter.

Madison Women's Clinic has an exclusive line of testosterone pellet implants called Invigor-A.  It is used for both men and women and for some, can change your life dramatically!  It has been called by some to be the greatest age fighting tool we have.  So, how do you know if testosterone pellets are right for you?

First, let's discuss some of the symptoms of hormone depletion that comes with the natural aging process.

  • Aches and Pains
  • Migraine headaches
  • Sleep issues
  • Bone density changes
  • Increase in soft fatty tissue
  • Depression and Anxiety
  • Decreased memory and concentration
  • Decreased muscle mass and strength
  • Decreased libido
  • Depression and Anxiety
  • Hot Flashes
  • Decreased Energy
Second, only you and your doctor can determine if pellet therapy is right for you.  As with any treatment, there are risks and side effects you must consider first.  Some women see amazing changes in their symptoms as listed above, yet some don't, and the same goes for men.  Coming in for a visit about your hormone needs is the best way to start the process. 

Third, some screening tests must be accomplished before starting Invigor-A therapy. For women, we thoroughly check your thyroid hormone levels, testosterone levels, estrogen and overall health.  With men, we check the level of testosterone as well as thyroid hormones and overall health. 

The pellet procedure is done every 3-5 months and is an in-office procedure, takes less than 10 minutes and a local anesthetic is used.  The tiny pellet is inserted just under the skin in the fatty part of the hip.  Once in place, it will slowly dissolve over time.

We would love to visit with you and see if Invigor-A is right for you.  Make an appointment today for our Rigby or Rexburg Office.