The reality is, your mom probably didn’t have a birthing
plan but, I wonder what mom would have to say about a birthing plan…
When I was laboring with my half dozen children, back in the
day, my plan was to not feel any pain and push a baby out of me. That was the basic gist of my hospital stay
when I went into labor. By the time the
last one came along, my birthing plan evolved into milking it for all it was
worth so I could just take a nap.
Birthing plans are a relatively new thing to evolve over the
past few years. It’s good to be educated
and knowledgeable on the birthing plans so you can decide if it’s right for
So, what is a
birthing plan?
A birthing plan is a document that allows your medical team
to know your wishes when it comes to childbirth; managing pain, taking care of
baby while in the hospital, and other important factors. Your birthing plan should be simple and to
the point. Your medical providers,
including nurses are busy people, they don’t have time to read a 6 page document,
try to keep it to one page.
How to start writing
a birthing plan?
The most important thing to do before starting a birthing
plan is to do your homework. Become
familiar with the policies and practices of the hospital where you will be
delivering. Just because you want to
room in with your new baby, doesn’t mean you will be allowed to, or vice
versa. Hospitals have rules in place to
maintain continuity, order and safety so you must work within their boundaries.
Consider how you want to manage unexpected
circumstances. Perhaps you had planned
on a vaginal birth but it becomes evident that you will be having a C-Section
at the last minute, how will you manage that.
Creating a birthing plan, especially if it’s your first is something to
start drafting well in advance so you have time to consider all the unexpected
Some other things to think about:
Who do
you want in the room with you while you labor and deliver?
you be using a Doula?
will you manage pain…massage, imagery, breathing techniques, jacuzzi, pain medications, epidural?
Do you
want to be mobile while laboring or stay in bed?
position would you like to give birth in?
Make sure this point is well discussed with your doctor.
are your preferences for baby care?
With each consideration, make sure you discuss your plan
with your doctor prior to and well in advance of your due date. Listen to his/her ideas and incorporate them,
even compromise. Communication is one of
the most important tools you have. Don’t
just focus on what you don’t want…remain
positive and list the important things you do
How to execute the
Take your plan to the hospital when you check in and go over
it with your nursing team. Remember, a
birthing plan is an outline, merely a guideline. You must be flexible since there are very few
things you can count on when giving birth.
Anything can happen and rather than get frustrated that things aren’t
going as planned, trust in your team to deliver safe and compassionate care. If nothing else, a birth plan ensures that you
have educated yourself on the birthing process and have realistic expectations. The birth plan can help you maintain your
Whether you choose to have a formal birthing plan or not is
up to you. The most important thing is
that you, your partner and your doctor are on the same page with the same expectations. And, at the end of the day, your baby will
arrive in a surrounding of love and caring.
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