Friday, January 1, 2021

Happy New Year

It's safe to assume that 2020 was an unexpected year full of new experiences, whether you wanted them or not.   As a general rule of thumb, we all struggled to find our way through the uncertainties and changes to our daily routines that were simply thrust upon us.  We know some of you gave birth with restrictions that broke your heart.  Some of you experienced loneliness, loss and overwhelming grief.  For some, maybe life didn't seem that different.  We homeschooled, and distanced ourselves, celebrated with drive-bys and bravely moved on.

2021 may, to some, may feel like 2020 is back with a moustache on...but maybe it will end up being more than a rerun of some difficult days.  Maybe, as we reflect on the past year, we can find some redeeming moments that changed us for the better, in ways we might not have realized, without a pandemic, wildfires, murder get the picture! 

What have you found is the best way to set the stage for a new year?  Regardless of the last one, we all have an opportunity to start fresh; set some new hopes and dreams, establish better boundaries, embrace the friends and family members we may have taken for granted.  So much is within our reach and capacity to change and control.  

One thought we might consider taking with us on our way into a new year, is the idea of repeating the actions that are noble and worthy.  Isn't that a powerful statement?  Just as powerful is...what are you going to leave behind?  What you leave can be worthy and noble as well. 

Repeat the actions that are noble and worthy

Here are some ideas to get you thinking...
  • Making time for what is important
  • Create routines that you can live with
  • Be a a world where we can often feel alone and on our a helper to those around you and your family. 
  • Define how you want your life to look, then implement those ideas
  • Improve your life with better health
  • Regain order.  We suffer when life is out of order
  • Inventory what you have survived before rushing into a new year
  • Determine what is essential for the day...then do that. 
The list of noble and good ways to live in a year of uncertainty is endless.  All it takes a resolve to see beyond the ever changing landscape of chaos.  You can do this!  It is true that we are hardwired to do hard things.  

Nevertheless...Here's to hope and happiness and peace and health and all the wonderful things we can hope for! 


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